Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Baseball and The Boys!

Monday night Nicholas had a baseball game. It's always fun to watch; I'm equally filled with joy watching both the boys play . . . Nicholas during his game and Noah imitating every move his brother makes. I wasn't able to catch it on camera, but every time Nicholas' team returns to the dugout when they're up to bat - Noah independently walks over to the dugout to give his BoBo a hi-five. Noah also loves to sit right next to his brother after the game during the team meeting; it's heartwarming to know that Nicholas doesn't mind this at all! It really is the sweetest thing ever! And all the boys are so nice to Noah - my heart always just melts!

But I have to mention, before I post pictures that Nicholas had an awesome game. His team was down 6-0 and it was looking pretty rocky. But just into the 5th inning they started to hit base hits and finally ended the game with 10-8. Nicholas' team won! Yay! Nicholas hit a base hit all three times he was up to bat and he was even able to steal home during one play. It was so much fun to watch. And Noah was right behind the catcher yelling "Go BoBo! BoBo Go!" Really cute stuff!

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