Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tues. Project Life

i've decided to join in on jessica's project life tuesdays. i started my project life dec. 28 so that means my week will be from mon - sun. some of my photos are repeats as i have started to share in previous posts. enjoy!

day 8: morning routine. breakfast before school. noah still in his jammies - nicholas in his school clothes. the transition back to school from a holiday break is always tough for nicholas.
day 9: coffee dates . . . i always look forward to when jay comes home and we can sit and have our morning cup of coffee together. it's our time, sometimes quiet, sometimes not, nonetheless it's our time to "catch-up" after his shift.

day 10: nicholas and jay were home sick. we all lounged around the house and it wasn't until later in the evening that the two "sick boys" started to feel a little better. well, better enough for ice-cream after dinner. here are our handsome guys chummin' it up for the camera. noah, of course is such a hoot!
day 11: we dropped the boys off at mum-mum's and went to our tax appt. as a trade (wink, wink - babysitting for dinner)! i brought lasagna, garlic bread, and a tossed salad for our dinner. nice to see everyone during the weekday, even if it was for a short visit!
day 12: i caught nicholas reading on a FRIDAY night! Yay, yay, yay!!! This is huge because nicholas dislikes reading. He's reading LT & Me, it was a christmas gift to my mom & kelly boy. They each finished it within a week's time. such a good and inspiring book - so glad that nicholas is enjoying it too!
day 13: let's go chargers! this is my wonderful, happy world! we were on our way out to a birthday party (theme: wear ur favorite team jersey/colors!) i was all over this, as i'm sure anyone would guess! we had such a great time - and it was fun to walk into the party sportin' our favorite nfl team - especially since they're doing so well this season and in the play-offs! good luck to them this sunday!
day 14: ahh! my coach person. i love it! it was a christmas present from mom & poly. i finally got to exchange it and i couldn't wait to get home and switch out my purses. problem is, it's so gorgeous inside i was so reluctant to put my stuff in it, for fear i'd get the beautiful lining inside (it's pastel turquoise) dirty. have i mentioned how grateful i am and how much i love it! even though the purse is worth far more than the contents inside! hehehe!


  1. Great start to your album!! I ADORE the coach bag!!

  2. found your blog via Jessica's Project Life Tuesday. Great photos! Stop by my blog if you get a chance. I love seeing what everyone is doing!
