Friday, January 8, 2010

{updates and some new things}

i wonder, often, if anyone even reads my blog. and after some thought about it, i've decided it really doesn't matter. it's nice if both family and friends stop in from time-to-time to check in and it's okay if they don't. because although i'm using this blog as a tool to communicate and share photos and news of my family, it has become an outlet for me. it has, at times, served as a memeory keeper (of sorts). i've been able to look back, since i've started this blog, and review photos and things i've written about my family/kids that i would have otherwise forgotten. this, in many ways, is a scrapbook journal for me . . .a place to express, write about, and post photos of my life as i choose and as it happens!

word of the year ~ i've read about this idea a few years ago on this website and thought it was a neat concept, in terms of resolutions and goals for the year. the idea of choosing a word of the year to focus on and implement into your life can be really effective. it's a word that you should select that you'd like to apply into your life this year. for me, i've thought about what things i'd like to improve on this year, some things about myself i think could be changed to myself and my surroundings better. so much of the time i say things i'd like to do, i express my ideas and dreams, but that's it. nothing. i don't do anything about it. it can be big things/ideas or it can be the littlest things - but nothing ever comes of it. this year want to focus on the word {do} much the same as the nike logo - just do it! sometimes i overthink things, over analyze situations and this has paralyzed my ability to {do} things. well this year . . . i will focus more on the {do}ing!

day 9: coffee dates . . . i always look forward to when jay comes home and we can sit and have our morning cup of coffee together. it's our time, sometimes quiet, sometimes not, nonetheless it's our time to "catch-up" after his shift.
day 10: nicholas and jay were home sick. we all lounged around the house and it wasn't until later in the evening that the two "sick boys" started to feel a little better. well, better enough for ice-cream after dinner. here are our handsome guys chummin' it up for the camera. noah, of course is such a hoot!
> day 11: we dropped the boys off at mum-mum's and went to our tax appt. as a trade (wink, wink - babysitting for dinner)! i brought lasagna, garlic bread, and a tossed salad for our dinner. nice to see everyone during the weekday, even if it was for a short visit!

i wanted to share this really cute idea for a sign at the door. i am going to try and do this! check it out!

happy friday!

1 comment:

  1. Joe and I always check out your BLOG. I think its great. But I sometimes wonder the same thing about my blog as well.

