Our labor day weekend was busy. We were invited to two parties, both in different cities. It was challenging to get to both, but we were a determined little family . . . and we did it. It was fun, but at the end of the day we were exhausted. That was on Saturday. On Sunday we made our way back to Wild Rivers for one final splash before the weather cools down. Well, southern california cool, that is! Monday was spent just chillin' in Oceanside with family.
Sadly, no photos. I brought my SLR camera, but gosh it's so big and expensive; I get worried to take it with me into water parks. I'm really trying to save for a smaller point and shoot camera, one that I can pack in my purse and take along with me on outings like this past weekend.
Just some things.
I thought I'd share some recent photos that I took. Photos taken around our home. Photos that represent what life has been like in the Charfauros home this past week.
Now that Nicholas is in middle school he is taking electives. He had a choice between band and explore classes. He chose explore classes that include 3 12 week courses divided between art, computer skills, and home economics. Right now he is taking home economics. He has been learning to do laundry and as part of his homework he was required to sort, wash, dry/hang, fold and put away 3 loads of laundry. 3 loads of laundry! Don't know who it was tougher on, me or him. Let's just say it took him almost 20 minutes to sort 3 loads, and I'm talking small loads here. Good gosh, he even leaned against the wall 5 minutes into sorting . . . :0) In the end he completed the assignment, and even surprised me at how well he did. I'm pretty picky about how I do my laundry, especially how I hang dry all the good colored clothes. And he did good; he complained a little, but that's to be expected from a boy his age . . don't ya think?
Load # 2! I'm wondering if he'll appreciate me doing his laundry now that he knows his dirty clothes don't magically become clean :0) |
Last week, on one of our Target outings, I bought this divided tray after Noah convinced me he needed it. It has actually been a fun way of feeding him. And I must say he's been eating a little bit better . . .but I think it might have to do with the special mints or pudding that provide a visual incentive in finishing his main course.
Lunch: grilled cheese, sliced pepperoni, grapes, and chocolate pudding with a capri sun. Look at that smile! |
Over on Becky's blog she posted another photo challenge. Set your camera on the floor. This was taken yesterday. This is what our days are usually like. Noah in the loft with a bunch of his toys spread all over the place. He has been so content with books lately and I love it! We spent a good portion of our morning reading! He loves me to read to him; and I don't do it often enough. I need to.
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