Monday, October 25, 2010

A baseball kind-of-life!

It seems like our lives revolve around the baseball field. So does it surprise you that all last week and weekend was spent doing baseball stuff.  Baseball practice, baseball games, more baseball practice, baseball sign-ups, and finishing off the weekend with a 3.5 hour baseball tournament scrimmage that lasted a full 9 innings.  Does it sound like I'm complaining?  If it does, I'm not.  I don't mind at all but just thought I'd list how much of our lives goes into baseball. 

Before I share some snapshots that I took over the weekend, I just wanted to say . . . I can't believe it's raining again.  I am, so, seriously, over the RAIN!  Yes I am craving cooler weather, and I love that it has cooled down - but the rain, well the rain can just STOP ALREADY! 

Our Little League sign-up booth at a local elementary school's Fall Fest.  Nicholas is standing to the far right.  So.Very.Tall!

Noah was in "sweet treat" heaven that night!

At the Fall Fest in his costume.  Our Race Car Driver!

At Sunday's tournament scrimmage.  What a trooper!  He did so well the entire day!

Noah chattin' it up . . . ALL.DAY.LONG. The boy has serious talking skills! 

Lots on the agenda this week!  It's Monday, it's time to get fired up and motivated! 

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