Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Day - Happy Day!

It's Thursday and what a day. I woke up to Jay tapping me lightly to get up before the boys did. He was already up, the coffee was made and all I had to do was roll out of bed and brush my teeth. So nice!

Our Memorial weekend was pretty much low-key. Jay worked the entire weekend, and besides going to my cousin Sue's house, the boys and I stayed home. But it was nice, Sunday afternoon I bought the boys McDonald's took it took the park and had a mini picnic. We missed Jay, but it was nice to sit outside with the boys with absolutely no care in the world - besides how high we wanted to go in the swings :)

Tuesday and Wednesday Jay and I went out running. Both days we ran 3 miles. Now I must say this is huge for me because I don't think I've ever run that distance before. And even better, I am totally and completely enjoying each time I go out and run. It's theraputic, it clears my mind in a way that I crave so often when the days get so hectic.

There are a few things I want to share, one from a blog I love to read and one from a book I'm currently reading.

Here's an excerpt from Donna Downey's Blog

i have been working a lot lately on developing my concepts of what living a life inspired means...and more and more i am reminded that choosing to live inspired doesn't just mean with paints and colors, but also looking at life more creatively...finding creative ways to look at situations with a more positive outlook or in this case solution.

creativity lies in the tiny moments when we decide to do something differently and try new things...stretching outside of our comfort zones on all levels and accepting the things we cannot change.

i love this message today...simply accepting the things we cannot change.
the next step forward can be the moment that can often redefine how we see the world.

And here's an excerpt from the book Cold Tangerines that I am SO enjoying. I have mentioned that this book is like a Splash of Happiness in each chapter.

Friendship is acting out God's love for people in tangible ways. We were made to represent the love of God in each other's lives, so tht each person we walk through life with has a more profound sense of God's love for them. Friendship is an opportunity to act on God's behalf in the lives of the people that we're close to, reminding each other who God is. When we do the hard, intimate work of friendship, we bring a little more of the divine into daily life. We get to remind one another about the bigger, more beautiful picture that we can't always see from where we are

-shauna niequist

Both these excerpts are inspiring to me; to walk today with a little more pep in my step and to walk a little more in HIS WAY! I have a fridge magnet that reads - Give your feet a Good Workout, Walk in His way. Here's to a beautiful Thursday, filled with many blessings your way!

*Shout out to my cousin Joe, (aka little Joe always and forever to me :)) I will post picturs of Kelly boy and mom soon. I promise. Lots of love your way!

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