Thursday, May 21, 2009

One of those Days . . .

From the moment I woke up this morning I've just been having it rough! Noah was super whining all throughout our morning routine. Oh my goodness, at one point I just felt like crying. Hopefully it gets better . . . I just have to remember to breathe and slow down.

Hopefully I can go out for a run today. I feel like I could sure use it!


  1. Hi Misty,

    Don't we all have those days. Here's to a thousand better tomorrow's!!!

    : )

  2. PangelinanII FamilyMay 27, 2009 at 9:18 PM

    Hey Misty, just dropping a hello to my cuz. Hope everything is good on the West side. Say hello your mom and Kelly for me and the family. Love you all and wish we could see each other soon. I would like to see pics of my Auntie Judy and Kelly as well as your family. Love Lil Joe and family on the East side!!!!
