Saturday, January 30, 2010

My trip to Marshalls . . .

Yesterday I was able to go out-and-about all alone!  Imagine that, time to myself outside of this house.  It was nice.  I went to Marshall's and tried on a bunch of clothes.  And truth be told I have the weirdest thoughts in my head when I am in the dressing room.  I'm constantly saying to myself, "Oh what a cute dress/shirt - I hope it looks cute on!" And then a few seconds later as I am slipping it on I adamantly say to myself, "Don't fit, don't look good!"  I don't have the luxury of buying new clothes, as cute as they might be!  So I settle for trying them on for fun - just to see what it looks like; but every-so-often I find something that I am in love with and I just can't resist!  And then I have to battle it out in my head, "Buy it, just get it, it's so cute on, you really do need something else other than the same clothes you're wearing . . . "  And then instantly I hear another voice in my head that's much more practical, much more in-tune with my reality as a stay-at-home mom, "Seriously Misty, where will you wear this, to pick Nicholas up from school, go grocery shopping, walk around the house?  Be real, put it back.  It's not fair of you to buy something and not getting anything for Jay.  And you know good and well you can't afford to get something for the both of you."  So in the end, I put whatever it is back . . . and hope that the person who buys it appreciates it as much as I would if I had made the choice to buy it.  I walk over to the children's section and sift through all the cool and cute clothes they have.  Cool for Nicholas and cute for Noah.  Immediately I select one item each for Nicholas and Noah.  I walk straight to the register and pay for it!  I do this without a second thought, and although it isn't in my budget to do this nor do the boys really need these items I get them anyway . . .  because I never feel guilty about stretching my budget for them.

Nicholas got a Hurley t-shirt and Noah got a pair of plaid Ecko shorts! 

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