Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spring Break 2010

Already thinking of next year's spring break . . . Nicholas' school organizes a 5th grade trip to Wa. DC & New York for 5 days during their spring break vacation. I just went to the meeting about it last night and I'm super, super excited. It really sounds like an experience of a lifetime. I'm in the process of organizing a family/friends fundraiser and really hoping, and praying that we can start out strong with our fundraisers!!! My first fundraiser is going to be a garage sale - that way all proceeds will go directly to funding Nicholas' trip. Exciting stuff . . .

Not much happening around here - just hanging out. So for now I'll share this really cute picture of Noah that I took over the weekend . . .

Happy Thursday!!!
I love his hair! It's really fitting to his otherwise explorative nature!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A quick post with photos!

As I promised, photos of the two boys coloring their Easter Eggs! Took me awhile, but we've been a bit busy! Noah had such a good time dunking the eggs into the colored water - Nicholas, on the other hand, was less enthusiastic about it this year, ( surely it has something to do with the fact that we had a discussion about the Easter Bunny & Santa). It was sad to have that talk with him, but it really needed to be discussed; it makes me feel like he's no longer my little Nicholas boy; he's growing way too fast for me to take in.

And I just thought I'd share some photos of what a typical weekday afternoon is like here at our house. Homework (thank goodness Nicholas is still very studious - even though he dislikes school ALOT) and then there's Noah who waits around for BoBo to be done with homework so he can play hide & seek! Check out how he hides, he thinks if he covers his face no one can see him. Cute stuff I tell ya!

This is what bedtime is like too - the two of them together. On crazy days, this has to be my favorite time of day! Don't they look like brothers! I love this photo of the two of them!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


2 posts in one day . . . wow! but i just wanted to share that nicholas had his 10 year old check-up today and he is good and healthy. need to implement more calcium in his diet - hard to do when he dislikes most dairy products. hmm. anyhoo - he's right on target with his weight, and above average in height. he's in the 60 percentile. that's good news. and even better news, no shots. good for him.

i can hardly belive he's 10, and i guess that's kinda considered preteen. i don't really like the sound of that. we've been making some changes around here now that he's getting older. changes that signify that he's not that little boy anymore . . .and frankl it makes me rather sad. there's more to this little post, and i'll share later. for now here's a picture of him at his appt. today. taken from my cell phone, and he was kinda on the nervous side. he really dislikes dr.'s visits - who does right???

easter sunday recap

so the knitting is going well. it took me about a week to figure it all out and be able to get into the groove of it - but now i'm finding it rather enjoying and relaxing. i do look forward to stealing a few minutes here and there to knit!

easter was so much fun. we hosted our traditional potlock lunch here in temecula and it was so nice to have everyone come our way. the weather was a blessing, especially since it looked as if it was going to rain on saturday. the 3 youngest had fun hunting for eggs and the older/ teenagerish ones participated in a easter scavenger hunt. afterwards the family gathered for a game of softball. SO FUN! watching the aunties catch, bat, pitch, and some even base running was plain old good times and good fun! when the weather chilled we went up to our house for more family time!

i'll have to share our easter prep pictures - where the boys are dying their eggs. that was fun too!

happy rest of the week!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Learning to Knit . . .

I've been trying to teach myself to knit since yesterday afternoon. So far I can cast on to the needle and knit a few basic knit stitches, but it's frustrating because I've started and stopped and started "ALL OVER" again at least a gazillion times. I think I'm gonna have to have some one - on - one help from my brother's girlfriend. I've watched tutorials from "you tube" a handful of times, but when I attempt - it all looks like a row of KNOTS!!!

Happy Monday - Spring Break for Us is Over :(

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Baseball and The Boys!

Monday night Nicholas had a baseball game. It's always fun to watch; I'm equally filled with joy watching both the boys play . . . Nicholas during his game and Noah imitating every move his brother makes. I wasn't able to catch it on camera, but every time Nicholas' team returns to the dugout when they're up to bat - Noah independently walks over to the dugout to give his BoBo a hi-five. Noah also loves to sit right next to his brother after the game during the team meeting; it's heartwarming to know that Nicholas doesn't mind this at all! It really is the sweetest thing ever! And all the boys are so nice to Noah - my heart always just melts!

But I have to mention, before I post pictures that Nicholas had an awesome game. His team was down 6-0 and it was looking pretty rocky. But just into the 5th inning they started to hit base hits and finally ended the game with 10-8. Nicholas' team won! Yay! Nicholas hit a base hit all three times he was up to bat and he was even able to steal home during one play. It was so much fun to watch. And Noah was right behind the catcher yelling "Go BoBo! BoBo Go!" Really cute stuff!